
The 2025 AFP NC Philanthropy Conference, taking place on September 5, has sponsorship opportunities for you! Opportunities range from $1,500 - $7,500. Our event attracts executive directors, development officers, board members, and fundraising professionals from nonprofits throughout North Carolina. This highly anticipated conference educates attendees on various fundraising topics and inspires creative collaborations through networking and exhibition resources.

Interested in combining multiple opportunities to reach a certain sponsorship level? Let's talk! Please email the Conference Sponsorship chair, Julie Schuldner

You can fill out the sponsorship form in the Sponsorship Packet (click the link above) or you can pay by credit card using the form below.
* Indicates required field
Sponsorship Level *

Please enter your Contact Information

Is this sponsorship on behalf of an organization? *
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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Opt-in to receive account, event, and important notices via text message. Msg & Data rates may apply. To opt-out reply STOP at any time.
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Please enter your Billing Information

We accept the following cards
We accept MasterCard.  We accept Visa.  We accept American Express.  We accept Discover.  We accept Diners Club. 
Name on Card *
Card Number *
Expiration Date *
Security Code(CVV) *
Use same address as Contact Information
Billing Address *
Country *
City *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal *
Would you like to cover the transaction processing fee? Every bit helps our organization. *
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Processing Fee:
Total Payment:
